Online Hearing Test Disclaimer

Help America Hear has prepared this directory as a resource to assist those suffering from memory loss and related diseases and their families in locating physicians and other health care professionals that treat these conditions. The directory may be searched by location and additional criteria. Please read the following Disclaimer, then click "I accept" to begin searching the directory listings.


  1. The directory has been prepared solely as a courtesy to those accessing the Help America Hear  website. It is meant to be used solely as a resource for those who choose to access it. The directory is not, nor is it meant to be a comprehensive listing of physicians and health  care professionals who treat or provide services for memory loss and related diseases. 

  2. While Help America Hear does try to help those affected by or dealing with memory loss and related diseases, it should not be considered part of the patient’s care team. That team consists of the patient’s own team of qualified medical practitioners and providers.

  3. The physicians and health care professionals listed in the directory have paid a fee for the listing which Help America Hear uses to defray the cost of maintaining the website and the directory. Help America Hear does not earn a profit from this fee nor does it share in the fee charged by anyone listed in the directory.  

  4. Help America Hear has not investigated or evaluated the competence or ability of any of those physicians and health care professionals listed in the directory, nor does have the ability, resources or competence to do so. This directory is only one source for obtaining the identity of physicians and health care professionals who have indicated that they provide services for families and individuals living with memory loss. It is suggested that you contact the local professional association or check credentials with licensing/accrediting organizations for the provider you need. You should personally question and investigate each provider to assess the provider’s suitability for your particular needs.

  5. Help America Hear does not recommend or endorse any physician or health care professional listed in the directory or the methods, practices or approaches to treatment of memory loss and related diseases employed by those listed. Placement of a directory listing does not constitute an endorsement by Help America Hear, nor does it represent a testimonial by Help America Hear as to the quality or ability of the services provided by the listed physician or health care provider. Help America Heardoes not have the ability to offer licensing or accreditation to anyone.

  6. Help America Hear reserves the right to accept, reject, or remove listings from the directory.

  7. By accessing this directory, the user agrees to waive any and all claims against Help America Hearin connection with the retention of or services provided by any physician or health care practitioner selected from the directory or any products, services or information provided by any such physician or health care practitioner.